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From idea to business launch in 3 months - We chat to Philip Crilly of Eatibbles

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by Startacus Admin

What top tip or top 'lesson learned' can you pass on to other early stage entrepreneurs? Eatibbles

My top tip is 'Just get started'. For years, I talked about setting up my own business but never did anything about it. I think I was scared that I didn't know what I was doing or that the business wouldn't work. You will never know any of these things until you actually get started so what are you waiting for?

Identify your own skills and try to make up the shortfall by working with professionals or government bodies to address these. You may also have friends who could work on the business with you. Whatever it takes, just get going, while it is hard work it is also a lot of fun - you learn new things, meet new people and get an opportunity to be creative!

What's next for Eatibbles? 

First off, we've got to get selling!!

Our new website is about a week away from being launched and I'm in the process of getting a market stall organised. All of these next steps will allow me to meet customers and help identify what is working for the brand and this will allow me to move forward and decide on a brand strategy.

I hope, in the future, Eatibbles may be able to branch into a range of food products that address a number of different food intolerances and allergies allowing those who suffer from these conditions to enjoy the foods that many of us take for granted.

We will also develop food products that promote health and prevent disease and illness.  The ranges of health issues this will cover include the immune system, bone strength and heart health among others.

Liquefied snacks, portion control and new ingredients will also give us market opportunities. All very exciting but lots of work still to do :)

And Philip - we wish you all the best on your very exciting journey! 

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Published on: 21st May 2013

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