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How to Bootstrap Content Marketing

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by Startacus Admin

With over 10 years of experience in content creation and search engine optimisation for SME's, Benjamin Kerry gives Startacus 3 beginners tips on making sure that your content can be found and noticed.content marketing

If you’re a startup then there’s two things you have to accept: no one knows you exist, and what’s more, no one cares. Think you’re unique? One in a million? Sure, one in four hundred million entrepreneurs, according to Google Entrepreneurs, creating a total of 69 million early stage products and companies across 56 countries.

Marketing, like sponsors in The Hunger Games, is the difference between life and death. Users, revenue and supporters, or a quiet death from starvation, disease or the elements. Rarely is it always down to a fatal blow from a competitor.

These facts mean that getting noticed is essential. One way you do that is through content marketing. Here is three things you can be doing to bootstrap your content marketing to success.

1. Pick the right tools. In the daunting landscape of social media marketing you could end up on every social network going, only to end up shouting loudly in an empty house. An ideal abject lesson in futility. Instead make sure you pick the right social networks for your business. Think of your audience and target them, be where they are, talk about the things they are interested in, and you will start to get noticed.

2. Be consistent. You know your stuff. You are an expert. So tell the world, but do this consistently. One blog post doesn’t mean you are executing a content marketing strategy very well. A few a month are still tiny drops in a very loud ocean. You need to be sharing with the world your unique knowledge and skills on a regular basis.

3. Remember SEO. Google are always making changes to search algorithms. The last two years they have been very active, launching and updating changes, designed to crack down on shady SEO tactics. If you are a new company its unlikely that these will affect you. But make sure. Double check. Don’t assume. All Google wants to see is new, authentic content written by and for humans. Keep putting that out and it will benefit SEO and improve how quickly your company gets noticed.

Getting noticed is about content. In social networks and search engines we live in a world where content is king. Stick to the strategies above and you will survive and win in the arena.

Benjamin Kerry is the Founder of Precise English with more than 10 years of experience in content creation and search engine optimisation for SME's

Check out the Marketing section of the Startacus toolkit for more handy Marketing tips, articles and links. 

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Published on: 5th December 2012

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