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Glimpse - smart shopper analytics for brick and mortar retailers

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by Startacus Admin

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Glimpse is a Dublin-based startup that has created an innovative solution to provide physical retail stores with accurate shopper insights and data.

Glimpse-Image-Online retailers have all kinds of analytics to keep an eye on the people shopping with them, to help them understand what those shoppers are doing and when, and to use these insights to better target their customers’ needs. To a degree, new laws such as GDPR mess with a business’s ability to see some helpful details, but generally the data they can see is invaluable to improving revenue. Physical retailers don’t tend to have anything close to this level of understanding, perhaps relying simply on staff noticing patterns in customers’ buying habits, age range, etc. But perhaps there is a way to level the playing field somewhat.

Dublin-based behavioural analysis startup Glimpse certainly thinks so. They have created a data analysis platform that seeks to rival those that any online retailer can take advantage of. 

glimpse image 2Using sensors, cameras, and anonymous signals from shoppers’ phones, Glimpse can determine customers’ age and gender, their paths around shops, the category of products they show interest in, and even their movements between shops. This data is then collated and offered to retailers, who can use it to determine what they could be offering to stop customers leaving empty-handed to shop elsewhere, to work out the best layout of their products, and generally better serve their biggest customer base, while better targeting those outside of that base.

All this does, admittedly, sound like it shouldn’t get past data-privacy laws; however, the startup’s co-founder offers assurances that consumer privacy has always been at the heart of the business. Although cameras are used, no images or video is stored, nor anything else that could be used to identify individuals - data is used only to add to the collated data, such as how many shoppers returned more than once that week, the average age range of shoppers, peak shopping times, etc.

Back in 2020, Glimpse raised €550,000 in funding from investors - including Enterprise Ireland - and in August 2021, they started the process of raising between €1.5 and €2 million in order to expand operations in the UK.



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Published on: 5th January 2022

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