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Digital DNA

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by Startacus Admin

If you happen to either live or be visiting Northern Ireland at the end of this week and you have an active vested interested in digital technologies, you may want to take a look at Digital DNA an all-day event happening in Belfast on Friday 13th.

Put Friday 13th September in the Diary (nope, not hide in fear at the date). With the likes of Facebook, Google and BT senior execs speaking and attending Digital Digital DNADNA and also new startups spreading the word on how they are exporting their startups across the Globe, the event will detail how:

  • To drive TRADE through emerging technology and infrastructure

  • To increase ENGAGEMENT and create more direct customer access (N.B. We think our Twitter profile and following is pretty good:)

  • To manage DISRUPTION and evolve in a fast-moving environment

  • To encourage COLLABORATION for ideas sharing and product development (Startacus loves collaboration - check out our virtual workspace area!)

  • To promote INNOVATION and simplifying business operations.

Of course, lots of business buzzwords there, and it may be that for each speaker you dig, another might not float the boat. However, reading between all the promotional business speak on the Digital DNA website it may be that as a business leader, or business startup, you might just get that nugget of understanding on what the next big digital evolution is, the big digital things you should be doing and/or how you can use digital technologies to better your business.

It’s not free, but it’s not too expensive either (especially for the speakers on show), and if you are a student or MBA Association member it's that bit cheaper, so take a gander at the Digital DNA website for all the details and we look forward to following the Twitter feed on the day.

Read all about it! If you like attending Northern Irish events and festivals you might also like our preview of CultureTECH happening in Derry from this Monday (9th) to Sunday 15th.

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Published on: 8th September 2013

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