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5 ways you and your team can reconnect - in just a moment

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by Startacus Admin


Covid may have limited how we connect with each other, but it's important now to reconnect. Sid Madge, transformation and change specialist and founder of Meee shares five easy ways to do just that. 

pexels-photo-4670716For almost all business sectors the last couple of years have been testing. One of the most important challenges to overcome has been the lack of connection. Even those of us who embraced and enjoyed working from home need to be seen, to be heard, to be connected. It is a deep human need. 

As many of us return to the workplace (some full-time, some as part of a hybrid arrangement), there are those who will find it more difficult than others to reconnect with the working environment, relationships and dynamics we once took for granted. But everyone wants that connection. We need to connect, feel connection and become connected to others. Here are five ways for entrepreneurs to re-connect and plug back into life – in just a moment. 

1. Get Connected to Yourself 

Take a few minutes to really tune into yourself and imagine your perfect life. Ask yourself, if money or location didn’t matter, what would a perfect day look like? We’re not talking about extreme experiences like climbing Mount Everest, or being uber successful, but consider what your average day would be like in your perfect life. What’s so surprising about this exercise is that we are often much closer to it than we imagine. How many of those perfect life events or activities can you already do right now?  So do more. Connect to yourself and what makes you happy, peaceful and contented. 

2. Get Connected to Others

Take a minute to think about someone you’ve not seen because of Covid. A friend or family member or colleague or even a valued customer. Call them and arrange to meet up. Go for a walk outside in nature or go for a coffee or if they are too far away hop on FaceTime or Zoom. It might feel a bit odd to start with but it’s still possible to connect and laugh and enjoy each other’s company and companionship without being in the same room.

3. A Random Act of Kindness Everyday

Kindness is also one of the only things that doubles when you share it. Just one act of kindness a day reduces stress, anxiety and depression. Your body becomes flooded with hormones that help you and the person you’ve helped feel healthier, happier and calmer. Serotonin which helps heal your wounds, also makes you feel happier. Endorphins reduce pain and oxytocin reduces blood pressure and makes you feel more loving and loved. Oxytocin is the bonding hormone. You’ll both feel more energised, have fewer aches and pains, feel more connected, confident and even live longer.

pexels-photo-7585782Make a commitment right now that you will demonstrate a random act of kindness every day. Hold a door open for someone, smile at someone you don’t know and mean it. Help someone struggling with an armful of files or a few reams of photocopy paper up the stairs. We can all find ways to be kinder and more connected in everything we do. We may not always be thanked or even acknowledged but we will always feel better and that positive energy will spread. 

4. Send out Positive Vibes

Take a moment to think of your last interaction. Did the vibes that you were sending out impact your interaction? Too often we let the ups and downs of life seep into our connections with others. Instead of feeling irritated, bored, frustrated or judged by the person in front of you, decide to send out positive vibes of ‘unconditional positive regard’. Unconditional positive regard, an idea put forward by American psychologist Carl Rogers, is simply deliberate acceptance and positive support for another, as they are, without judgement. Just try it and see how the connection flourishes and the outcome always improves. 

5. Be Grateful 

The other thing this crisis shows very clearly is how dependent we are on certain professions. Around the globe, there are governments coming up with lists of so-called vital professions. If you look at those lists, you won’t find the hedge fund managers or marketeers, you’ll find the garbage collectors and the teachers and the nurses, people who are often not paid that well, but as it turns out are the people we can’t live without. 

Take a minute to think about the people in your life that you can’t live without. The people you are most grateful for and make sure you let them know - every day. Think about the other things in your life that you are grateful for. Your health, the ability to walk in nature, your job or your home. A woodburning stove on a winter’s evening, having a laugh with your friends. Just take a few minutes at the start of each day and before you drift off to sleep to count your blessings despite the challenges we all face. 

Sid Madge in Action1 2022 2MBABOUT THE AUTHOR

Sid Madge is a transformation and change specialist and founder of Meee. Meee draws on the best creativity and thinking from the worlds of branding, psychology, neuroscience, education and sociology, to help people embrace change and achieve extraordinary lives. From pupils to CEOs, Meee has helped thousands find their magic to transform themselves, their communities and their organisations. From leaders of PLCs and SMEs to parents, teachers, students, carers, the unemployed and prison inmates, Meee helps people excel. Sid Madge is also author of the ‘Meee in Minute’ series of books which each offer 60 ways to change your life, work-, or family-life in 60 seconds. 



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Published on: 3rd March 2022

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