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What Makes the Perfect 404 Page

by: Startacus Admin ~ 31st March 2015
We’ve all done it; by either typing an URL that is incorrect or clicking a link that is out of date, we’ve ended up in the middle of nowhere in cyberspace, but what do you do now? A lot of user-friendly websites will do their best to help you out and point you in the right direction, while others will do nothing and you’re left wondering ‘did I do something wrong? What do I...
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Creating the perfect 404 page

by: Startacus Admin ~ 3rd December 2013
Any semi-regular internet user will have come across what is known as a 404 error page at some point or another. These appear as a result of the websites server being unable to retrieve the requested information, usually due to someone clicking a dead or broken link. While they have been around for a while, many websites have started to take advantage of these pages. They are a result of somethin...
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The best "404 - Not Found" page?

by: Startacus Admin ~ 12th July 2012
The chances are we have all come across a 404 page when searching on the internet, or on a specific website. A 404 is basically a page that you end up on when you attempt to open a page or link that no longer works and the 404 association is simply the code that is given for this type of page (did that make sense Tech people!) Well, there are some websites and designers out there, who go to, mor...
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