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Will a robot take your job? This website will tell you the % chance

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by Startacus Admin

Robots eh, it seems they will have a lot of explaining to do, when they have stolen all of our jobs. Or perhaps the robots that built the robots that stole all of our jobs, will have a lot of explaining to do....Or the robots that designed the robots, that built the robots….

Will Robots take my job

Fear of job automation is currently at fever point... so what better way to play the ol’ doomsday scenario, than via a website that predicts if a future robot will take your job - your contract terminated and all your friends’ jobs terminated too.

Launched a couple of weeks ago Will Robots Take My Job had already had 500K visitors and circa 4M pageviews in the first few days of the site being live. Why? Because its simple design and premise allows site visitors to quickly find out the likelihood that certain occupations will be automated by robots and bots.

Will Robots take my job

You can visit the site here and check out your own job. We are pretty screwed, but it all sounds rather exciting, and still slightly futuristic.

Perhaps just as interesting for Startacus is this medium blog post written by the site’s Co-founder Mubashar Iqbal which highlights the journey they took to build the site, the data they used, and the site’s amazing launch and audience growth. Congrats to the two site founders, Mubashar and Dimitar.

They did such a good job in launching this little gem, that we think they might even be robots...robots in disguise. ;)

jobs automation

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Published on: 25th June 2017

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