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Top Ways to Keep Your Business Property Safe

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by Startacus Admin

There are plenty of concerns that go into running a business, from striving to grow profits to making sure that your employees feel comfortable in their work environment.

This is just the tip of the iceberg, and many business owners focus on the internal workings of their office while neglecting other concerns, such as security and access. Security issues and cyber attacks have the potential to cause great harm and detriment to your business, while investing in preventative measures will also allow you to shift your focus to innovation and driving the business forward. You can hopefully make your property safer by following a few prudent recommendations.

1.   Set up bollards

Bollards are traditionally metal poles reaching knee height and preventing automobiles and other vehicles from entering protected spaces. Thus, you can order and install bollards on your property to reap several significant security benefits. First of all, they will block cars, carts, and other large rolling containers from being parked in places where they shouldn’t be, such as pedestrian walkways. Additionally, they will serve as the first line of a barrier if a car or vehicle veers off towards your property with the potential to hit it or anything in the space behind the bollards. Finally, they serve as a great separation line of areas exclusively accessible to people or vehicles.

2.   Implement an efficient access system

In the past century, keys were the go-to solution for accessing protected and private areas. However, A large portion of businesses worldwide has already switched to key cards, which perform the same purpose (making restricted areas accessible to authorised personnel) with a few added advantages. First of all, cards do not become rusty, and picking them out of a pocket or bag is much faster than going through a chain of metal keys. Furthermore, a key card system leaves data saved in a security system about who accessed your property and when.

3.   Install cameras

This is a popular choice and a no-brainer to many businesses who buy cameras as soon as they get established on a property, but there are still many companies and enterprises who do not feel the need to invest in cameras, under the assumption that nothing nefarious will happen to their property, or that the advantages do not outweigh the costs. To put the matter into perspective, you can just imagine the difficulty of trying to resolve a security incident with the police when you have no visual or documented information about what took place.

4.   Make your property an unappealing target

In most cases, warding off criminals is as simple as making your property an unappealing target for them. If they see that breaching it will require significant risk and effort, they will usually switch to an easier target. One of the best assets in this approach is a security system visible from the outside, sometimes even showcased through signs and warnings. Lighting can also play an important role, as maintaining even a few lights around your property at nighttime will create the impression of it being well-guarded with multiple staff.


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Published on: 26th February 2020

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