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TailHail wants their membership-based private aircraft platform to take flight

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by Startacus Admin

TailHail plane

The lowdown on TailHail, the Newcastle-based startup that's innovating in the private flying sector

TailHail logoHave you ever watched a film where the characters are in a private plane, being flown in peace and quiet to their destination and thought, just for a moment, that you would like to experience the luxury and sense of importance that comes from having a plane to yourself?

Right before the environment-conscious part of your brain kicks you. Of course, it would be very expensive, right? Or would it?! Yes, of course it would; it’s private flying. But perhaps it can be made more affordable than you might think.

Step forward Newcastle-based startup TailHail with their membership-based private aircraft platform that reduces the upfront and hourly cost to fly privately.

Whether your needs are for personal flights, family flights, or business flights, TailHail provides tailored memberships to make private aviation more accessible and affordable.

TailHail picThere are options to share flights with other members, reducing the amount of unnecessary environmental impact, but should your needs lie outside of what a commercial airline can offer, all it takes is a quick search of airports and dates, and TailHail will find vetted aircraft and operators.

The platform locates aircraft information including service and safety history, and legal registration, and records this so that only legal and quality charter aircraft are offered. For the operators’ side of things, making private charter more accessible means increased flight hours and fewer empty jets sitting around losing them money.

In its mission to disrupt the aviation industry, TailHail is backed by angel investors including serial entrepreneur and investor Neil Stephenson and startup investor Paul Callaghan. With their backing, the platform is aiming to build its business model and expand, with the goal of achieving at least 20,000 members within the next five years.

We'd expect to see if the business really takes flight, post covid-19 travel slowdown and restrictions.

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Published on: 17th May 2020

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