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RUNVI - the insole fitness tracker

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by Startacus Admin

Running smarter thanks to this insole fitness tracker...

runviRunning is a good and an increasingly popular way to stay fit and healthy. However it is also a good way to injure yourself. Leg injuries, particularly to the knee, are common with runners; however, these are preventable in most cases. This is one way in which a running coach comes in particularly useful, as well as when it comes to improving your performance. A running coach is obviously not feasible if you are just interested in going out for a run at the weekend or integrating it into your gym sessions, so the next thing people tend to turn to are smart watches, running apps, and other such wearables. These are useful if you want to know how many calories you have burned, but for real results and feedback on improving your performance, they are severely lacking.

runvi screenBerlin-based startup RUNVI wants to deliver a personalised running coach to everyone with their smart insoles. Just put the insole into your running shoes, preferably with the 8 hour battery attached, and the integrated sensors combine with training science to deliver you a ‘complete and personalised training experience’. Those with little running experience might not think there is much to the activity, besides putting one foot in front of the other faster than usual, but...well, there is. The RUNVI sensors take note of cadence, foot-strike pattern and symmetry, posture, gait analysis, and more. By taking all of these things into account, RUNVI can tell when you are at risk of injuring yourself, and the real-time visual and audio coaching will let you know what’s wrong.

This coaching can not only improve your running style and performance, but RUNVI measures your power as a performance metric. Running well is about running smarter, and by learning how to properly utilise your power, you will be able to run better, further, and faster.

RUNVI is currently crowdfunding on Kickstarter, where they have already raised over €85,000 or their €50,000 goal, with over a week remaining at the time of writing. With accessible, personalised coaching that can improve performance and decrease the risk of injury, we think this startup will be a runaway success!

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Published on: 8th July 2018

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