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NI Entrepreneurship & Diversity Survey aims to assess the startup landscape for all

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by Startacus Admin


Business owners and startup founders in NI invited to take part in a survey aiming to review the inclusive nature of entrepreneurship in NI.

Would you like to help improve the startup landscape across NI so that it functions more effectively and serves a more inclusive and diverse community of entrepreneurs?

pexels-ann-h-6935187In October 2020 British Business Bank published ‘Alone Together: Entrepreneurship and Diversity in the UK’. The Report examined the profound effects which ethnic and economic background, gender and place can have on entrepreneurial opportunities and outcomes.

As a result of the report's findings and with a desire to drive tangible change, a voluntary working group of stakeholders from across the NI entrepreneurial and business support network came together, to focus on identifying and addressing the challenges & obstacles faced by NI-based entrepreneurs.

Now, the survey sub-group led by Alastair Cameron, co-founder of Startacus have created an NI Entrepreneurship and Diversity survey, focused on gender, ethnicity, disability, neurodiversity, and socio-economic background, and are inviting NI-based entrepreneurs and founders to share their insight and lived experience.

Seeking to identify potential barriers to entrepreneurship, the survey results will then be used to create key objectives and define the outputs and outcomes that the group feel they can best support and deliver.

The survey is currently live and will remain open until 5pm Friday 29th October.  For full details and to take part visit the survey here and if you have any queries, please feel free to contact

Incidentally, Diversity and inclusion in the workplace will be the focus of one of the sessions at our upcoming Work: In Progress event - it's a hybrid affair so we'd love you to join us if you can!


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Published on: 13th October 2021

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