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my mhealth - the startup that's on a mission to change healthcare forever

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by Startacus Admin


The lowdown on my mhealth, the Bournemouth-based healthtech startup that has created a digital health platform to help support patients and clinical teams with the management of long term conditions

patient-cardiac.Long-term medical conditions account for 70% of global healthcare expenditure. Many people have to deal with these conditions every day, but no matter how supportive their doctor is, they can’t give 24 hour support; on average, patients receive 15 minutes with their clinical team per year. So more frequent, ongoing support must fall to third-party providers, like today’s startup.

Bournemouth-based healthtech startup my mhealth has built a digital health platform to help support people with long-term conditions such as COPD, asthma, heart disease, diabetes, and COVID-19 - those that have the most impact on patients, clinicians, and healthcare providers at a population scale that still meets the needs of the individual patients. 

It is simple for patients to use: the on-boarding process assesses the patient from a variety of sources, from health assessments to data collected from medical devices. They are then provided with tailored, evidence-based digital intervention that's proven to improve health outcomes and reduce health service dependence. These are condition-specific interventions, coping strategies, lifestyle advice, and mental wellness pathways that help to give patients more freedom. 

notificationsThe app helps patients to keep up with their medication; it provides personalised and accredited education, further helping them to understand and manage their condition (last year in England, their digital therapeutics delivered 55,000 pulmonary rehab classes and 250,000 educational sessions); rehabilitation and surgical pre-habilitation, delivered to patients straight through the app while they sit at home; automated and customisable condition-specific care plans; validated condition-specific assessments at timed intervals that generate personalised advice and automates the conventional review process; and many more features that help to manage a long-term condition, as well as reduce the likelihood of complications and hospital admissions.

In May, it was announced that my mhealth, along with 3 other European collaborators, were awarded a €2.5 million Eurostars Grant for the development of their innovative project, CUOREMA. This project will utilise the cardiac rehabilitation element of the startup’s myHeart app and incorporate biofeedback, intelligent algorithms, and gamification features.

Living with a long-term health condition is hard enough without being bereft of help and support day to day, so a platform like this that will help make people’s lives that bit easier is very welcome.

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Published on: 29th June 2021

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