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Aloe the self-care reminder app

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by Startacus Admin

aloe appWe have written previously about the physical and mental health aspects of entrepreneurship and those startups focusing on these issues. From handling depression to self-care after heartbreak, there are innumerable ways in which self-care is of vital importance both in and out of business.

Now, adding to the area of self-care is
Aloe: the self-care reminder app.

Aloe self care reminder appAloe will be a free iOS (and later Android) ‘self-care check-in and reminders app’ based on the check-in survey already hosted on the Aloe website. This check-in has you answer some simple questions that will make you think about how well you are taking care of yourself at any given time, and about a specific person you care about. Perhaps the main feature of the app, though, is the reminder function.

There are plenty of people who could do with reminders about the simple things, like showering, drinking water, brushing their teeth, taking a break, taking medication, simply treating yourself, and more.

From those who are simply run off their feet and put their own care low down on their list of priorities, to those with mental health issues that may interfere with their ability to remember - or motivation for - such things. Notifications for these tasks can be customised, added to, and removed in the settings, to make the app personal to you.

Since starting its 30-day funding period on 1 August, Aloe has completed its Kickstarter campaign with over $50,000 of the $40,000 goal, proving that the initial market for such an app is certainly there. The iOS version will launch in early 2018, with the Android version following after. We look forward to seeing how this US based business develops.

For more articles discussing similar areas of self-care, why not have a read of the following:

Depression, Mental Health, Entrepreneurship & Startups

Will Mend, the Self-Care App for Heartbreak be Loved by All?

Ybrain Has Created a Headband to Fight Depression

The Psychological Price of Entrepreneurship

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Published on: 10th September 2017

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